Self-generation energy use in industry

Gas cogeneration CHP or trigeneration
Electrical energy, heat, steam, the cold
Renewable energy sources
Biogas plants, PV installations
Promise of concessions, Registration

Waste management and environmental protection

Organic waste use in a biogas plant energy generation
Organic fertilizer from digestate
Procedures and permits

Energy efficiency and optimization techniques

Optimization of energy use
Energetic audits, technical audits
LED lighting
Subsidies, grants, cogeneration premium, white certificates

Save money by generating your own energy


Our main areas of activity

Gas cogeneration



Biogas plants


Photovoltaic installations


Selection of Equipments and Implementation


Technical and Legal Consulting


Concepts and feasibility studies



Procedures of Preparation for Implementation - Project Documentation



Energy Audits and White Certificates


Subsidies, Co-financing, Support Systems, Excise Discounts


Years in Energy sector


CHP units in operation

Millions of PLN grants purchased

The company with long experience specializes in the development of distributed energy projects.

I devoted my entire professional career to the technical, economic and legal analyses with the aim to use local energy sources, especially renewable and gas based, in the most efficient way.

I observe with keen interest standpoints towards RES and CHP-gas based systems that are expressed by both global economies and local investors in Poland. Self-generation energy use is becoming not only fashionable, but indispensable.

This is due to the difficult market and policy environment. It has been noticed particularly in our country with centralized hard-coal based energy system generation and the unawareness of decision makers about the importance of strategic challenge facing Poland and need in the transformation of generation and distribution energy system.

Irrespective of government subsidies and public aid, we will definitely observe a change in the energy sector towards the development of comprehensive energy supply systems from renewable sources and gas sources by local industrial entrepreneurs, institutions and individual consumers, and at the same time producers (producer and consumer simultaneously becomes a prosument).

The increase nowadays in energy prices can only stimulate investment decisions in prosumer based energy systems. Industrial entrepreneurs and business today can take energy matters in their "hands"!

Our mission is to promote sustainable development of local and clean energy which can drive economic growth and competitiveness of the Polish industry, agriculture and business.

We provide consulting services. We advise comprehensively or within a defined scope how to proceed the investments in own energy sources connected to the grid or in island mode operation. We help to implement solutions to optimize the costs of electricity, heat (including steam) or the cold. We also support solutions in the field of energy efficiency (e.g. LED lighting) and bio organic waste utilization with energy recovery.

Our offer is addressed to the industry, business, agriculture and municipal companies interested in solutions to optimize energy costs.

I invite you to cooperation!


  • Graduated at the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Warsaw University of Technology
  • PhD studies done at the Warsaw University of Technology in the field of 2nd generation thin-film photovoltaic solar cells
  • In 2008-2017, the manager, then the CEO-secretary general and vice-president of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Renewable and Distributed Energy
  • In the years 2008 - 2017 associated with the Polish Biogas Group S.A. responsible for developing the concept, profitability analysis, investment budgets, development and construction of biogas power plants
  • Involved in legislative work for renewable energy market development and CHP market - initiator of many accepted legal solutions
  • He managed international projects on energy strategies resulting from the implementation into national law the EU directives dedicated to renewable energy sources
  • In 2013, he was awarded the title of Renewable Energy Promoter
  • In 2010-2015, the manager and lecturer of four editions of postgraduate studies in the field of investment project management using renewable energy sources at the Lazarski University
  • From May 2017, he is employed at Gobarto S.A. responsible for the development and operation of agricultural biogas plants and gas cogeneration units in the agri-food processing sector
  • Author and co-author of over 100 scientific and industrial publications, including national and international circulations
  • Author of over 100 presentations at national and international branch conferences devoted to energy market

Our offer is addressed to the industry, business, agriculture and municipal companies interested in solutions optimizing energy costs.

Investments in own energy sources for supplying own industrial needs - with the use of natural gas based cogeneration (electricity and heat) or natural gas based trigeneration (electricity and heat and cold), agricultural biogas plants with cogeneration or agricultural biogas for injection into pipe network, biogas plants from sewage sludge, biogas utilization facilities, PV photovoltaic installations, including up to 50 kW microinstallations and licensed or registered installations

LED based technology for lighting

Disposal of organic waste, including ABP (animal by-products), livestock manure (liquid manure, dunk, chicken manure, droppings) residues from agro-food processing with a concept of using waste to energy or using organic waste or digestate for fertilizing purposes.

The offer concerns broadly understood energy consulting:

Businessplans and strategies

  • Creating a development strategy
  • Preparation of business models
  • Preparation of technical and business concepts
  • Developing the concept of supplying own energy needs
  • Market analysis, energy strategies
  • Business plans and profitability studies, investment cost estimates
  • Selection of generator, turbine, CHP units and systems
  • Models of electricity management (island work and / or cooperation with the network)
  • Local heat management

Analysis of available support systems for gas cogeneration and other sources supplying own needs

  • Subsidies from public funds
  • Subsidies and support systems: certificates, RES and CHP auction systems
  • Preparation of projects for auction systems, certificates
  • Certificates white
  • Certificates yellow, red, purple, brown
  • Excise tax exemptions
  • Selection of sources of financing in competitions for subsidies from public funds
  • Subsidies and support systems: certificates, auction premium
  • Preparation of projects for auction systems, certificates
  • Applications for co-financing grants, subsidies

Technical consulting and selection of suppliers

  • Selection of generator, turbine, CHP units and systems
  • Preparation of tender documentation, requests for offers
  • Evaluation of offers, selection of suppliers
  • Negotiations of the scope and conditions of supply the equipment, energy and gas systems
  • Preparation and negotiation the contract terms and conditions

Audits and assessments of project documentation and operating installations

  • Energy audits
  • Calculations of energy efficiency, primary energy savings, calculations necessary to meet the criteria of high-efficiency cogeneration unit
  • Technical audits of installations in operation
  • Pricing the installations in operation
  • Audit and analysis of completeness of energy project documentation for subsidies or construction
  • Due diligence of the documentation to take over energy projects

 Administrative procedures for development and commissioning

  • Procedures and permits
  • Excise exemptions, applications
  • Conditions for connection to the grid
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Conditions of building
  • Design of installations
  • Building permits
  • Incentive effects (all needed analysies)
  • Promise to grant a concession, concession, agricultural biogas plant registration
  • HAACP documentation, fire protection, health and safety procedures

Waste management and environmental protection

  • Permits in waste management
  • Integrated permits
  • Waste management of animal origin, ABP (animal by-products)
  • Waste neutralization, organic waste to energy
  • Interpretation of regulations in the area of ​​energy and environmental protection
  • Trainings, workshops, industry lectures for integrating meetings

Market: News | Analysis of the basic definitions | Support systems | Energy consumption and prices | Production sources in Poland | Entry to the market: registrations, concessions


Market - News

The 5th competition dedicated to high-efficiency cogeneration projects

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced the 5th competition dedicated to high-efficiency cogeneration projects. The competition is addressed mainly to entrepreneurs. The amount of funds foreseen for the competition is PLN 200 million, out of which (for the first time) PLN 100 million has been set aside for cogeneration projects using renewable energy sources. Competition in action 1.6.1. announced as part of the Operational Program Infrastructure and the Environment. Applications for grant co-financing eligible costs can be submitted from 30/04/2019 to 28/06/2019. The funds may apply the following entrepreneurs:

  • civil partnerships operating on the basis of an agreement concluded in accordance with the Civil Code (code 019),
  • companies provided for in other laws than the Code of Commercial Companies and the Civil Code or legal forms to which the company regulations apply (code 023),
  • partner companies (code 115),
  • joint-stock companies (code 116),
  • limited liability companies (code 117),
  • general partnerships (code 118),
  • limited partnerships (code 120),
  • limited joint-stock partnerships (code 121),
  • state-owned enterprises (code 124),
  • co-operatives (code 140).

Another call for proposals is being prepared (April-May 2019) for projects in the field of high-efficiency cogeneration.

Another call for proposals is being prepared (April-May 2019) for projects in the field of high-efficiency cogeneration. The 5th cogeneration competition for co-financing is planned for publication by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in measure 1.6.1. The competition is dedicated to entrepreneurs. The cash of planned funds estimated on the market is approx. PLN 200 million. In the previous, fourth competition, the cash of funds was much smaller and amounted to PLN 90 million. After the formal evaluation, the number of the requested total amount for co-financing exceeded PLN 600 million (the last IVth competition). Beneficiaries will be selected on the basis of criteria points for substantive evaluation.

Today, the Act of December 14, 2018 on the promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration comes into force.

Today, the Act of December 14, 2018 on the promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration comes into force. This Act gives a new mechanism to support electricity producers in high-efficiency cogeneration. It will be based on cogeneration bonuses (cogeneration premium added to electricity).

All cogeneration units must be units that meet the criterium of high-efficiency cogeneration, specified in the Energy Law. In addition, the unitary emission factor for cogeneration units must be at a level not higher than 450 kg per 1 MWh of energy produced. The system will qualify units based mainly on gaseous fuels, including agricultural biogas and other types of biogas, with simultaneous use of the generated heat for usable purposes.

In the case of renewable energy based installations, the support level of up to PLN 90 / MWh was introduced by amending the Act on Renewable Energy Sources. The amendment introduced an upward adjustment of the reference prices previously determined for RES simultaneously meeting the criteria of high-efficiency cogeneration.

In the case of non-renewable sources, the level of possible cogeneration premium will be specified in the executive acts (ordinances) to the Act.

The Act extinguished the high-efficiency cogeneration support system operating until 31 December 2018 based on certificates of origin (yellow certificates, purple certificates, red certificates).

Market - Basic Definitions


Cogeneration - is the production of electricity and heat in one technological process. In the case of gaseous fuel, usually a cogeneration unit is a device that is a spark-ignition gas engine. As a result of fuel combustion, chemical energy (primary energy of gas) is converted with simultaneous heat recovery while cooling the engine and recovering heat from cooling the exhaust gases. The energy carrier in the given example (with primary energy) is gas (e.g. natural gas), which is transformed in the combustion process of the engine compartment in a mixture with air:
for electricity recovered thanks to the integration of a generator - a power generator heat recovered thanks to heat exchangers.
Cogeneration is often called the generation of electricity in combination with the generation of heat.
Cogeneration is also a process of generating mechanical energy and heat in one process. With this generation of energy, we have almost every car.
Cogeneration from Combined heat and power is called “CHP" for short, and with German: Blockheizkraftwerk "BHKW" for short.

Sometimes incorrectly one identifies the cogeneration of electricity and heat in integrated solar modules, in which there are simultaneously applied solar cells and solar collectors or heat recovery from the solar cells. Such an integrated system allows technically for simultaneous generation of electricity and heat, but the processes from which electricity and heat are generated are separated. Electricity is generated in the solar cell, which mainly consists of a p-n junction of two semiconductors with different signal of the condition. Solar radiation falling on such semiconductors generates voltage due to the photovoltaic phenomenon. Heat is produced as a result of heating the heating medium directly from solar radiation (heating is not the result of a photovoltaic phenomenon).

High-efficiency cogeneration

High-efficiency cogeneration - it is cogeneration, in which the primary fuel energy is saved (PES - Primary Energy Saving) expressed as a percentage at any level for small cogeneration units with an electrical capacity of up to 1 MW or at least 10% in the case of electric power units installed at 1 MW and more.

Gaseous fuels

Gaseous fuels - in general terms, they are transported by gas network or it is an agricultural biogas, regardless of its intended use. This definition means that agricultural biogas defined separately in the Act on renewable energy sources is treated with priority over other types of biogas. Only agricultural biogas can be injected into the gas distribution network (after meeting the defined criteria).

Agricultural biogas

Agricultural biogas - gas obtained in the process of methane fermentation of agricultural raw materials, agricultural by-products, liquid or solid animal manure, by-products, waste or residues from the processing of agricultural products or forest biomass, or energy biomass collected from areas other than those recorded as agricultural or forestry, excluding biogas extracted from materials from waste water treatment plants and landfills.

Installation of a renewable energy source - an installation constituting a separate system of:
equipment for generating energy as described by technical and commercial data in which energy is produced from renewable energy sources, or
building objects and devices constituting a technical-utility unit for the production of agricultural biogas
- and an energy storage facility connected with this system, including agricultural biogas storage.

The definition, as defined by law (in the Act on renewable energy sources), in our opinion, leads to the fact that an "agricultural biogas plant" will always be Installation of a renewable energy source, and a "non-agricultural biogas plant" without energy generation equipment will not be the RES installation.


Prosumer - the final consumer purchasing electricity on the basis of a comprehensive contract, producing electricity only from renewable energy sources in micro-installations for its own consumption, not related to the economic activity regulated by the Act of 2 July 2004 on the freedom of economic activity. The statutory definition constructed in this way (in the Act on Renewable Energy Sources) leads, in our opinion, to the limitation of the prosumer:
only for electricity and generated in a renewable energy source,
only for installations that are microinstallations (with installed capacity up to 50 kW),
only for micro-installations that are connected to the network,
only for final recipients (people, institutions, entrepreneurs) using energy for their own needs not related to their business activity,
only to people, institutions, entrepreneurs who purchase electricity on the basis of a comprehensive contract.

Conversion efficiency

is the percentage of energy obtained (usually usable, e.g. electric) as a result of conversion of primary energy (e.g. chemical gas) thanks to the use of a equipment (a gas engine with a generator for example). Generation of electricity in cogeneration increases the efficiency of the conversion (due to the recovery of heat additionally). Generation of electricity in cogeneration increases conversion efficiency. Generally, the higher the generation power, the more efficient the conversion process. Gas engines operating in cogeneration have comparable levels of electrical and thermal efficiency of approx. 40% with power installed of ca. 1 MW. Lower-grade gas engines (so-called micro-installations up to 50 kW) usually have lower electrical efficiency at the expense of higher thermal efficiency. Engines with larger powers have slightly higher electrical efficiency and lower thermal efficiency. A cogeneration unit with an electric power of 1000 kW and a thermal power of 1050 kW with an electrical efficiency of 40% and a thermal efficiency of 42% can produce about 8000 MWh of gross electricity and ca. 30.240 GJ of heat annually. The average annual gas consumption expressed in chemical energy in fuel (demand for fuel) is about 72,000 GJ (20,000 MWh) for such a unit.

Usable heat

- heat generated in cogeneration and used for utility purposes (technological purposes, drying, heating, also for cold production for commercial use). It is worth adding that in-line to cogeneration directive, the use of heat from cogeneration to continue generation of electricity will not be a usable purpose. Devices provided by some suppliers use the so-called Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC - Organic Rankine Cycle) to convert electric energy to heat. The conversion of heat into electricity is a low-efficiency process, which results from the laws of the thermodynamics. So today, heat is widely available, including generation devices powered by electricity, but less often we generate electricity from heat, including even the so-called waste heat. At present, the efficiency of ORC devices is estimated at 16-18% (gross), and after deducting as a result of electricity consumed by the ORC device itself, the system efficiency drops to 10-12% net. This means that from 3.6 MWh (1 GJ) of heat, we can obtain about 0.4 MWh net electricity in such a process, and heat in this volume (3.6 MWh) will not be classified as usable heat to give the right to apply for support mechanism dedicated to high-efficiency cogeneration units.


Biogas - gas obtained from biomass, in particular from installations for processing animal or vegetable waste, sewage treatment plants and landfills.

Micro installation

Micro installation - installation with electric power installed up to 50 kW

Electricity installed

Electricity installed - due to emerging interpretative doubts related to the use of the concept of installed electric power, occurring both in the provisions of the Act of 20 February 2015 on renewable energy sources, and the provisions of the Act of April 10, 1997 - Energy Law, the President The Energy Regulatory Office has issued a position regarding the interpretation of the term "installed electrical power". The electric power of installed renewable energy source and other installations is understood as the rated power of the device used for generating electricity (i.e. generator, photovoltaic cell or fuel cell), expressed in watts [W] or kW, MW. Importantly, the rated power of a device used to generate electricity (generator, photovoltaic cell or fuel cell) should not be equated with the power of a generator set or a gas engine. It happens that the aggregate power, specified in the general product specification (e.g. in operating data), does not correspond to the rated power of the device used to generate electricity, which is a generator, photovoltaic cell or fuel cell. In the case of cogeneration units, the generator power is always higher than the power of the gas engine in order to achieve higher efficiency of the engine. The rated power value must be determined explicitly by the manufacturer of the device / generator used to generate electricity on the nameplate (or in individual documents issued for such a device, i.e. documents on which the manufacturer's indication, type and type and the serial number of the device have been given) ). Thus, for the example cited, the CHP power of 999 kW is the engine power or power of the unit, but the CHP will be equipped with a generator with an exemplary power of 1300 kW. This means that within the meaning of the President of ERO (URE) interpretation referred to above, even though we will not use the generator's full power (only power limited to 999 kW), our installed capacity within the meaning of the law will be the generator's power, which is 1300 kW.

Market - Support systems

There are several different support mechanisms in the Polish legal system, from which one can distinguish:

  • Investment support systems (grants)
  • Operational support systems (premium, certificates).

The aid is granted for a given renewable energy source installation or a high efficiency cogeneration installation and it is possible to obtain both investment aid and operational subsidies, but its limited. By obtaining investment grants, the investor reduces its capex cost (equity). If ones co-financed investment with the use of public funds is obliged to reduce the unitary (usually to MWh of electricity) premium subsidies granted at the operational stage (exploitation activities).

Investment grants are awarded in the competition and the level of such aid depends on the region, the size of the enterprise and the eligible costs. Its obtaining requires competition based on the criteria of formal and substantive evaluation. Public investment aid is limited to the cash of funds dedicated to a given competition. Typically, the financial resourses of funds in a given competition of a given measure under operational programs is from about 50 to about PLN 200 million. Investment aid occurs in the form of grant and/or a preferential loan.

Operating subsidies are granted to the electricity generated or injected into the electricity grid, respectively. The subsidies are granted if the generating unit qualifies for (it fulfils certain criteria - it concerns respectively the Energy Law, laws on renewable energy sources and executive acts), the generating installation is registered by authority (by KOWR - The Agricultural Property Agency in case of agricultural biogas plants) or by the concession issued by the President of Energy Regulatory Office for other RES installations, CHP-based systems or another conventional systems. The generating installation must be connected to the power grid of the National Power System or to the gas distribution system in case agricultural biogas injection.

So far, operating systems for supporting electricity producers from renewable energy sources or high-efficiency cogeneration in the form of property rights to certificates of origin were known (the so-called certificates system). The certificates mechanism was introduced after Poland's accession to the European Union:
Green certificates

  • Green certificates
  • Yello, purple and red certificates
  1. Yellow certificates - for small cogeneration units with a capacity of up to 1 MW or filled with gaseous fuels (price approx. PLN 110 / MWh)
  2. Purple certificates - for units based on methane released from mines or gas obtained from biomass (price approx. PLN 60 / MWh)
  3. Red certificates - for other cogeneration units (price around PLN 30 / MWh)

It's worth mentioning that:

  • Purple certificates were introduced in 2010.
  • From 1 January 2019 it is not possible to obtain transferable (valuable) certificates from cogeneration for electricity generated in cogeneration after this date (the mechanism of certificates for cogeneration has been deactivated)
  • In 2010, the possibility of "combining" certificates from renewable energy sources (green certificates) meeting the criterion of high-efficiency cogeneration was introduced
  • In 2010, the possibility of obtaining brown certificates (identical to green ones with rules) for equivalent electricity calculated and resulting from the amount of agricultural biogas injected into the distribution network was introduced.
  • In 2016, the volume dedicated only to agricultural biogas plants was derived from green and brown certificates - they were called blue certificates.
  • It is not possible to obtain certificates from cogeneration (yellow, purple, red) for electricity generated after the date of 31 Dec 2018.
  • Green or blue certificates may be obtained from renewable sources appropriately commissioned before 1 July 2016. After this date, it is not possible to include new generating units within the system of support, excluding agricultural biogas plants operating on the principle of producing and injection agricultural biogas into the gas distribution network.

Currently, the support system for renewable energy sources (new entries into the system or transition to the system with operating installations on certificates) is based on:

- For renewable sources:

  • Auction subsidies
  • Guaranteed prices or premium prices

- For cogeneration sources:

  • Guaranteed premium

In the case of cogeneration, for units larger than 1 MW, in order to obtain cogeneration premium support, it is required that the appropriate volume of heat generated is introduced into the heating network, and the electricity needs to be introduced into the grid network and sold. Only small units can be supported on principles similar to those applicable in the extinguished system of yellow certificates (any utility purpose of heat consumption and the possibility of consuming electricity for the company's own purposes).

The new support system for cogeneration is based on:

  • cogeneration premium guaranteed for the so-called small units with an electric capacity installed up to 1 MW,
  • guaranteed cogeneration premiums for units with a capacity of more than 1 MW, but less than 50 MW, which may be awarded after winning the auction for the sale of energy from high-efficiency cogeneration,
  • individual cogeneration premium for units with an electrical power greater than 50 MW.

The amount of premium both for RES and CHP sources is limited by reference prices separately determined for the type and size of the installation.

For agricultural biogas plants, reference prices (maximum limited support with the electric price of the product included) are for installations equipped with high-efficiency cogeneration units:

  • PLN 730 / MWh for installations with an installed electricity capacity of up to 0.5 MW
  • PLN 680 / MWh for installations with an installed power from 0.5 MW to 1 MW
  • PLN 640 / MWh for installations with an installed power of over 1 MW.

Both types of aid (investment and operational) can be "combined" and taken however with limits. In case of grants received the operational premium needs to be reduced respectively.

There are also specific so called white certificates mechanism to support energy efficiency based projects. For example, for replacing lighting with LEDs or substituting old heat generator by cogeneration system (energy efficiency venture). For this type of projects, the level of annual efficiency expressed in toe (one tonne of oil equivalent) is supported by white certificate of energy efficiency. These certificates are granted on a one-off basis based on audit data as quasi-investment grant depending strongly on the annual achieved energy effect (on the amount of energy saved as a result of the investment aimed at improving energy efficiency).

The aid in the form of reduction of excise duty is also admissible, usually with zero level for electricity used for production purposes. But there are more possibilities of excise exemptions.

Market - Production sources in Poland

Both conventional and renewable sources are used to generate energy consumed by recipients. The share of the latter in the total balance in Poland is still small and estimated by various sources from about 10% to 20%. It is not easy to give precise statistics, and different %-shares of statistical data may result from different data ranges:

  • Part of the data is obtained based on measurement results (especially electricity from installations connected to the network), and the estimated part (usually heat from dispersed sources, electricity from off-grid sources)
  • The share of primary energy from RES or participation in production or participation in final consumption is given
  • Gross or net energy consumption is given, with or without import / export on the balance sheet
  • Data are limited only to the power sector or collectively for all sectors
  • A methodology is applied that promotes, for example, the use of biofuels with a higher rate or renewable sources in transport, as e.g. the methodology of Directive 2009/28 / EC.

For example, in the era of electric car development, electricity production will increase. However, in statistics related to energy consumption, it will not be included in the power sector if this energy is used by vehicles for transport purposes. However, there will be an increase in the use of electricity consumed in transport.

So far, the mechanism of the 5-dimensional system has been known: source, generation, transmission, distribution, recipient. The energy market is changing. So far, the dominant centralized generation system and connected transmission networks will slowly move towards dispersed sources close to the recipients (RES and CHP sources) supplemented with energy-storage (7-dimensional energy system). Industry and individual residents are already investing in their own energy sources. If the development of energy storage technologies leads to low storage costs in the future, energy will only be generated from wind and sun. Such a process will be long-lasting and for decades uncontrolled energy reception from sources strongly dependent with generation on the weather must be supported by systems based on conventional fuels. However stable dispersed sources for the industry's own needs will be acquired based on cogeneration from biogas and cogeneration from natural gas, LNG.

Market - energy consumption and prices

The energy market can be divided into three sectors: electricity, heating and cooling, and transport. In Poland, the average annual electricity consumption is approx. 160 TWh gross (consumption by end consumers annually approx. 125 TWh net) and accounts for approximately 25% of the total energy volume in total gross consumption in all the three sectors combined. Heat is the largest contributor to consumption.

Energy prices, especially electricity, strongly depend on the costs of obtaining energy carriers, production costs and other factors, including (quasi)taxes. The cost of energy is not only the variable cost of obtaining electricity product; its usually accompanied by the variable cost of excise duty (reduced from 20 PLN / MWh to 5 PLN / MWh in the amendment to the Excise Tax Act made in December 2018), but also variable costs of its transport (distribution) along with variable and permanent accompanying costs (qualitative, transitional, RES charges, co-generation charges etc.). Operational support mechanisms are transferred through appropriate regulations to electricity trading companies and companies dealing in its distribution and then to final recipients. As a result, the cost of electricity is represented by not only by the product cost generation, but also so called cost of coloring related to the development of renewable energy sources in the "old" green / blue certificates support system, and also the cost related to the deactivated system of cogeneration certificates, and the costs of white energy efficiency certificates. The production cost, however, includes the emission fee.

Rising prices of obtaining energy for the needs of industry is observed. That is why industrial business decides to become independent from external energy supplies and invests in PV, biogas and CHP gas based systems for own needs. The solution is renewable sources, especially biogas and PV installations (the latter with high variability of production levels during the day and seasons) and cogeneration sources (based on natural gas, LNG, and others), especially with simultaneous heat demand for heating ( greenhouses, dryers) or industrial processes.

In case of prices in variable costs of electricity above PLN 350 / MWh (35 gr / kWh) and simultaneous use of heat generated in cogeneration as an avoided cost, profitable investment in a cogeneration unit can be constructed (gas engine with payback periods of less than 6 years).

In Poland, a total of 16.5 billion m3 of natural gas is consumed annually in various forms used in industry, in power plants and in households. Most of the natural gas is imported:

  • From Russia: around 10 billion m3
  • Approximately 2 billion m3 from the Czech Republic and Germany (including some as indirectly from Russia)
  • From Qatar: around 5 billion m3 per year (in liquefied form).
  • The native production is about 4.5 billion m3 of gas per year.

Market - Entry to the market: registrations, concessions

To generate or distribute electricity or to trade it (buy on the wholesale market and sell directly to final recipients) the necessary permits are required:

  • Registration by the President of KOWR (The Agricultural Property Agency) for producers of agricultural biogas or electric energy from agricultural biogas
  • Concession of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office in the case of other sources, especially in cogeneration and from renewable sources, regardless of whether electricity is generated and introduced into the network or consumed for the own needs of the generating enterprise.
  • Registration by the President of KOWR (The Agricultural Property Agency) for producers of agricultural biogas or electric energy from agricultural biogas
  • The license concession of the President of URE (Energy Regulatory Office) in the scope of distribution or trade in energy or fuels.

The entry in the register is obtained quite quickly (within a few days). In the case of concessions, it may last several months and requires, along with the preparation of an application for a concession, to attach a number of documentation, including administrative, technical and economic. Before obtaining a concession, you can apply for a promise of a concession (obtaining a promise significantly accelerates and facilitates obtaining a concession). Together with the application for the promise of a concession, the so-called incentive effect in cases when the applicant planning to produce energy (especially in cogeneration) and apply for public subsidies (grants, subsidies, certificates). It is important to check the incentive effect (submitting an application for a promise of concession with the study of the incentive effect) before the investment project becomes irreversible (that is, before contraction the equipments for generating electricity) and before applying for grants/subsidies. Otherwise, you will not be able to get subsidies (this does not apply to subsidies obtained through auction system).


Kogeneracja Gazowa Doradztwo Inwestycyjne
Al. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej 36 lok. 118
02-797 Warszawa
NIP 797 178 84 60
tel. +48 609 788 026

Fill out the contact form, please

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